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Greetings from Manama,
We wish to bring to your attention the activities of our Investment Company with the aim of creating a platform for possible mutual profitable collaboration between us and your organization through project development in viable sectors.
Our Investment Company is a leading national entity which provides development aid to developing countries in the form of concessionary loans and administering grants on behalf of the Kingdom of Bahrain government. Our aim is to finance development projects in order to support efforts to achieve economic and social development in developing countries. Currently we are considering investments in viable projects not limited to only developing country and the GCC region. We are interested in offering project financing to viable projects globally on a 3.5% conventional loan basis. Our Investment Company is ready and interested to consider projects and investment initiatives globally which can generate about 10% ROI to the project owner annually.
We are open and ready to discuss possible collaboration with project owners, investors, investment brokers and general business facilitators if our offer for funding and cooperation as highlighted above is within the acceptable funding needs for your projects or investment initiative. We also give a 2% commission to brokers, who brings project owners for finance or other opportunities.
Contact us if you have project that requires funding via email:
Dr. Yusuf El-Naga
Loan Process Coordinator
The Arab Investment
Bahrain Financial Harbour,
East Tower, 29th Floor
P. O. Box 18334
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
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