Office Of The U.S. Secretary Of State
Allegedly from: on behalf of; Mrs Amira Behbehani
Office Of The U.S. Secretary Of State
Committee On Foreign Payment
Resolution Panel On Payment
Washington Dc
Attention: Beneficiary
I wish to use this medium and my office to inform you that your CONTRACT COMPENSATION Payment of USD 10,500,000.00 only from PRESIDENCY OFFICE has been RELEASED and APPROVED for onward transfer to you via ATM CARD which you will use in withdrawing your funds in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum you can withdraw in a day is USD $2,000 To USD $5,000 Only.
The United States government has mandated the BANK OF AMERICA to send you the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER. Therefore You are advised to contact the Head of ATM CARD Department of the BANK OF AMERICA for further instructions on how to dispatch your ATM CARD to you.
Name: Matthew Monger
NOTE: Inform Matthew Monger SALES MANAGERWEALTH ADVISOR OF BOA that you received a message from OFFICE OF THE U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE to send you the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER which you will use in withdrawing your funds.
Please make sure you send him your direct phone number and Full name and mailing address where you want him to send the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER. Be advised that you will have to take care of the shipment charges for the delivery of your Atm card to your doorstep/address which will cost you ONLY DELIVERY INSURANCE COVERAGE FEE according to what he told us when I asked him about the charges. Most importantly, I will like you to understand that the charges cannot be deducted from your fund because it had been endorsed by American government. SO do not expect them or even ask them to conduct any kind of deduction.
I am very sorry for the delay you have gone through in the past years. This office was obliged to intervene in this matter after receiving a notice from the logistics department of BANK OF AMERICA regarding the irregularities on the release of your funds to you.
Thanks for adhering strictly to these instruction and once again accept my congratulations.
Best Regards,
Mr. John Kerry
United States of America, Secretary of State
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