International Wire Transfer File Not Processed

Allegedly from: Wells Fargo Event Messaging Admin


We are unable to process your International Wire Transfer request due to insufficient funds in the identified account.

Review the information below and contact your Relationship Manager if you have questions, or make immediate arrangements to fund the account. If funds are not received by 11/12/2013 03:00 pm PT, the file may not be processed.

Please view the attached file for more details on this transaction.

Any email address changes specific to the Wire Transfer Service should be directed to Treasury Management Client Services at 1-800-AT-WELLS (1-800-289-3557).

Event Message ID: S013-6910633

Date/Time Stamp: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 07:52:39 -0800

Please do not reply to this email; this mailbox is only for delivery of Event Messaging notices. To ensure you receive these notices, add to your address book.

For issues related to the receipt of this message, call toll free 1-800-AT-WELLS (1-800-289-3557) Monday through Friday between 4:00 am and 7:00 pm and Saturday between 6:00 am and 4:00 pm Pacific Time.

Customers outside the U.S. and Canada may contact their local representative's office, or place a collect call to Treasury Management Client Services at 1-704-547-0145.

Please have the Event Message ID available when you call.

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Email Spoofing

Sometimes you can receive an email from someone and the return address is from a trusted domain name even though the email was not sent by the domain in question. This is called email spoofing.

Prompts you to download a file or .PDF

Never open files from senders you do not know or trust.

Impersonates a reputable company

This communication attempts to emulate a reputable company hoping to get you to click on the link or download their attachments.

Ignore it! Ignore it!

If you can't report it, it's best to simply ignore email scams altogether.

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