Corporate eFax message from some made up number

Allegedly from: eFax Corporate service (message at

Do not open the attachments and delete immediately.

You have received a 17 page(s) fax at 2013-21-21 02:14:34 CST.

* The reference number for this fax is latf1_4did511-17129673269-94475225404-06.

Please visit if you have any questions regarding this message or your service. You may also e-mail our corporate support department at corporatesupport at

Thank you for using the eFax Corporate service!

2013 j2 Global, Inc. All rights reserved.
eFax Corporate is a registered trademark of j2 Global, Inc. 

58 people that have visited this site have received this communication.
Have you ever received this communication through email or email forms?

Ignore it! Why you ask?

Email Spoofing

Sometimes you can receive an email from someone and the return address is from a trusted domain name even though the email was not sent by the domain in question. This is called email spoofing.

Prompts you to download a file or .PDF

Never open files from senders you do not know or trust.

Wants you to click on a link to verify important information

Never click on a link from an email from a sender you do not trust.

Emulates a popular service

This email attempts to emulates a popular internet service hoping to get you to click on the link.

Impersonates a reputable company

This communication attempts to emulate a reputable company hoping to get you to click on the link or download their attachments.

Claims to have come from a reputable source

This communication attempts to make it seem like it came from a friend, a lawyer, or co-worker hoping to get you to click on the link or download their attachments.

Wants you to visit a website for more information

Never click on a link from an email from a sender you do not trust.

Most likely contains a virus

This communication has an attachment that likely contains a virus.

Ignore it! Ignore it!

If you can't report it, it's best to simply ignore email scams altogether.

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