Email spam from Joe Henry

Spam me once, Shame on you. Spam me twice:

Dear Team,

I thought you might like to know some of the reasons why you are not getting enough Organic search engine and Social Media traffic for your website.
1.  Your website is not ranking top in Google organic search for many competitive keywords.
2.  Your website profile needs to have regular update in major Social Media sites.
3.  Your site has less number of Google & Yahoo back links, this can be improved further.
There are many additional improvements that could be made to your website, and if you would like to learn about them, and are curious to know what our working together would involve, then I would be glad to provide you with a detailed analysis in the form of a WEBSITE AUDIT REPORT for FREE.
Our clients consistently tell us that their customers find them because they are at the top of the Google search rankings. Being at the top left of Google (#1- #3 organic positions) is the best thing you can do for your company's website traffic and online reputation.
Our packages are designed for a complete advance SEO experience which includes SMO, Brand management, Reputation management, SEO etc. in order to beat your competitors.
Sounds interesting? Feel free to email us or alternatively you can provide me with your phone number and the best time to call you.
Best Regards, 
Joe Henry |SEO Consultant
PH. No: xxx-xxx-4090
AUS: +xx-xxx-6090
Skype: xxx.onxxxbusiness
PS1: This is onetime email and you may ask us to “REMOVE” you from our mailing list.
PS2: We operate 24 x7. I will be happy to send you links to price list, money back guarantee, client rankings, client testimonials, “How we are different from others?”, and “Why should you choose us?” on receiving a response from you.

32 people that have visited this site have received this communication.
Have you ever received this communication through email or email forms?

Ignore it! Why you ask?

Can you trust this company?

Have you ever heard of this company before? Do they have a WORKING phone number? Are they even real?

Can you trust the sender?

A good email system and a bit of searching would tell you that the ip address is from another domain and if you do a quick search on the reply to email address that this person or "SEO" company has been email spamming, forum spamming and more.

Is this company in America?

There's a good chance you are receiving this message in America, so the chances of you getting any money back from them is laughable. Unless you just want to throw your money into a hole, then leave them alone. Find a local SEO company that you can hold accountable if you are unsatisfied with the results.

Was this email written specifically for you?

These messages are usually sent to thousands of potential customers hoping for quick cash.

Even Google gets these spam emails

Web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

Google says:

Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

Amazingly, we get these spam emails too:

I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories..."

Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.

Asks you to unsubscribe

Oh how nice of them. A way out. But most of the time, replying ANYTHING back is a bad idea because many times it lets the sender know you are a real person and that the email address is valid.

Poor Grammer

Excessively poor grammar is a dead giveaway to the reliability of what is supposed to be a reputable company.

Asks you to reply

Replying ANYTHING back is a bad idea because many times it lets the sender know you are a real person and that the email address they are spamming is valid.

Ignore it! Ignore it!

Sometimes the spam is intended to hurt the reputation of a competitor. That's why it's best to simply ignore email spam altogether.

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