Daniel Parker - IT Sales SEO-SMO

from: daniel.seoparker at gmail.com

Hi there, We are offering Best Sales and Traffic Guaranty through our SEO and SMO services in our committed time. No Black Hat, No Spam work. We are providing Best SEO and SMO Services in very low cost. → Position your website to be top-ranking. → Onsite changing on website according to your target Keywords and Location → Increase profitability click-through rates from PPC campaigns → Expert web statistics analysis We outperform our competition. We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. WE ALSO DESIGN & DEVELOP THE WEB-SITE FLASH PHP, Joomla, Open source, E-Commerce at reasonable cost. Thanks & Regards, Daniel Parker Marketing Head - IT Sales SEO-SMO-WEBDESIGNING-WEBDEVELOPMENT

133 people that have visited this site have received this communication.
Have you ever received this communication through email or email forms?

Ignore it! Why you ask?

Unknown Company

The name of the company is not included in the email. Typically a reputable company will include their Name, Email Address, a working phone number, and a street address of their business.

Can you trust this company?

Have you ever heard of this company before? Do they have a WORKING phone number? Are they even real?

Can you trust the sender?

A good email system and a bit of searching would tell you that the ip address is from another domain and if you do a quick search on the reply to email address that this person or "SEO" company has been email spamming, forum spamming and more.

Is this company in America?

There's a good chance you are receiving this message in America, so the chances of you getting any money back from them is laughable. Unless you just want to throw your money into a hole, then leave them alone. Find a local SEO company that you can hold accountable if you are unsatisfied with the results.

Was this email written specifically for you?

These messages are usually sent to thousands of potential customers hoping for quick cash.

Even Google gets these spam emails


Web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

Google says:

Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

Amazingly, we get these spam emails too:

"Dear google.com,
I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories..."

Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.

They claim they know the latest updates to the search engine algorithms

These algorithms are useless if everybody and their brother know how to game them. That's why they keep changing and are a heavily guarded secret.

Poor Grammer

Excessively poor grammar is a dead giveaway to the reliability of what is supposed to be a reputable company.

Spam message came from an email form

Many times these spammers send robots and in some cases humans to spam email forms on internet sites. In this case, that's how I received this spam message.

Ignore it! Ignore it!

Sometimes the spam is intended to hurt the reputation of a competitor. That's why it's best to simply ignore email spam altogether.


Member Avatar3/12/2014 9:56:03 PM


Lousy SEOs

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